Essay on Technology pros & cons


Essay on Technology pros cons

Technology plays a vital role in today’s world. Now a days technology gets changes very rapidly. Let us take an example of a mobile phone the first generation mobile phones are very large in sizes and due to advancement in technology mobile phones get smaller in sizes now they can be kept under pocket. 

Technology is very advanced nowadays mobile phones are getting smarter nowadays and with the help of artificial intelligence everything getting smarter day by day. Technology has very advantages like in the field of medical, military, science etc. With the help of technology now doctors can easily diagnose and cure the disease of a person and they can even predict the disease. 

With advantages their are also disadvantages of technology. Some people hack the systems to gain access to the other system also in field of battle technology plays vital role in destruction. Many new weapons comes into the market which destroys the current world. Nuclear weapon, missiles, time bombs, hand grenades etc. are the cause of destruction and they even cause destruction to environment as well as people.

So the conclusion is with the advancement of technology their are some advantages and disadvantages which are responsible for the environment and the diseases in people.

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