Top 50 HR Interview Questions
- If anybody doesn’t cooperate in team what are the steps you would take?
- Why do you want to join an IT company?
- As the IT companies are 24×7,Would you like to overwork in the projects at required times?Do you works in any shifts? Morning, night etc.
- What are your salary requirements?
- Describe yourself in one sentence?
- Which is your favorite quote?
- Are you a team player?
- Tell me something negative you?ve heard about our company?
- What was the toughest part of your last job?
- What was the toughest challenge you’ve ever faced?
- Where could you use some improvement?
- Tell me about the most boring job you?ve ever had.
- Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized.
- How do you feel about reporting to a younger person?
- Could you have done better in your last job?
- Why have you been out of work so long?
- If you face a problem with your own performance, what would you do?
- How do you feel about doing repetitive work?
- What makes you angry?
- What is your greatest weakness?
- Would you lie for the company?
- How is your job search going on? Or Are you speaking to some other companies? If yes than.. Which companies are you talking to?
- Are you ready to relocate or travel? OR Do you have any problem with relocation?
- if we hired you how long would you expect to work for us? What are your outside interests?
- What is your greatest achievement?
- What was your biggest mistake?
- Are you planning to go for further studies?
- How do you define success and how do you measure up to your own definition?
- Can you work under pressure?
- What skills do you want to develop to succeed in this role?
- What do you want to achieve in the next 5 years?
- What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
- Explain how would be an asset to this organization?
- Tell me something about our company.
- How much salary do you expect?
- Would you be open to change your project/profile when required?
- On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.
- What is your Short term and Long term Goal?
- Why do you think should we take you for this job? Or Why should I hire you?
- Tell me something about yourself that is not written in your resume.
- Why have you applied for this job? Or Why does this role interest you?
- How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
- Describe your ideal company, location and job.
- Why haven’t you got a job yet?
- What motivates you to do good job?
- Are not you overqualified for this position?
- Tell me about yourself.
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Why do you want to work at our company?
- What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?