Ad-Rock – “Rap is the only super-current music. If you’re into reggae or danceha…”


Ad-Rock best Dad Quotes – “Rap is the only super-current music. If you’re into reggae or dancehall, and you don’t know Bob Marley, then you don’t really know what you’re listening to. But if you’re listening to rap, and you’re 15, you’re like, ‘Grandmaster Flash? Who’s that? Public Enemy? Yeah, my dad told me about them once.’ And that’s just how it is.”

Ad-Rock – “I grew up – my dad, every time I was with my dad, he was always – not…”


Ad-Rock best Dad Quotes – “I grew up – my dad, every time I was with my dad, he was always – not always, but he wrote. He’s a writer. So he was always in his office writing. He made a plan and, like, a point of, ‘This is my work. I’m going to do this every day for these amount of hours.’ So I think that’s where I got, like, a work sort of ethic.”