Barton Gellman – “I favor pocket-sized hard drives that travel between home and …”
Barton Gellman best Computers Quotes – “I favor pocket-sized hard drives that travel between home and office, syncing with computers on both ends.”
Barton Gellman best Computers Quotes – “I favor pocket-sized hard drives that travel between home and office, syncing with computers on both ends.”
Barton Gellman best Computers Quotes – “Given the volume of PC sales and the way McAfee runs its operation, I imagine there must be thousands of phantom subscribers – folks who signed up once upon a time and left the software behind two or three computers ago.”
Barton Gellman best Computers Quotes – “Most computers today have built in backup software.”
Barton Gellman best Computers Quotes – “Dell fills its computers with crapware, collecting fees from McAfee and other vendors to pre-install ‘trial’ versions.”
Barton Gellman best Dating Quotes – “Smallpox, which spreads by respiration and kills roughly one in three of those infected, took hundreds of millions of lives during a recorded history dating to Pharaonic Egypt. The last case was in 1978, and the disease was declared eradicated on May 8, 1980.”
Barton Gellman best Courage Quotes – “Daniel Ellsberg showed tremendous courage back in the ’70s.”