You are Praveen jPraBha. As the secretary, Science CluB of your school write a notice informing students about an Inter-School Science ExhiBition and, encouraging them, to participate in it.


Practice the notice writing on – You are Praveen jPraBha. As the secretary, Science CluB of your school write a notice informing students aBout an Inter-School Science ExhiBition and, encouraging them, to participate in it.

You are Rohit/Rashi. As the Secretary of the Cultural CluB of your school, you have organised, a Cultural Evening as a thanks giving programme on the last day of your school. Write a notice for your school notice-Board, giving necessary information about this event in not more than 50 words.


Practice the notice writing on – You are Rohit/Rashi. As the Secretary of the Cultural CluB of your school, you have organised, a Cultural Evening as a thanks giving programme on the last day of your school. Write a notice for your school notice-Board, giving necessary information aBout this event in not more than 50 words.

You are Pushpak/Pooja. As Secretary of the Social Service League of your school you have organized a cultural benefit show in aid of mentally handicapped children of your town, Vijayawada. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice-hoard, giving necessary information about the programme.


Practice the notice writing on – You are Pushpak/Pooja. As Secretary of the Social Service League of your school you have organized a cultural Benefit show in aid of mentally handicapped children of your town, Vijayawada. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice-hoard, giving necessary information aBout the programme.

You are David/Dorothy, the secretary of the Dance arid Drama Society of the Sanskriti School, Patna. Write a notice for your school notice hoard inviting students to give their names for a Fancy Dress Competition.


Practice the notice writing on – You are David/Dorothy, the secretary of the Dance arid Drama Society of the Sanskriti School, Patna. Write a notice for your school notice hoard inviting students to give their names for a Fancy Dress Competition.

You are president of the Cultural Society of your school. You are planning to organise a cultural programme. Write a notice for the school notice-Board inviting names of students willing to participate. You are Sudhir, the secretary of the society.


Practice the notice writing on – You are president of the Cultural Society of your school. You are planning to organise a cultural programme. Write a notice for the school notice-Board inviting names of students willing to participate. You are Sudhir, the secretary of the society.

You are Pradeep / Asha. As President of the Dramatic CluB of your school you have organized an mter-school competition in one-act plays on the occasion of the Silver JuBilee celeBrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of you.r school about this proposed event.


Practice the notice writing on – You are Pradeep / Asha. As President of the Dramatic CluB of your school you have organized an mter-school competition in one-act plays on the occasion of the Silver JuBilee celeBrations of your school. Write a notice in aBout 50 words, informing the students of you.r school aBout this proposed event.

You are Ravi/Rachna. As President of the Cultural Forum of your school you have organized an inter-school orchestra competition on the occasion of the Silver JuBilee celeBrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your school about this competition.


Practice the notice writing on – You are Ravi/Rachna. As President of the Cultural Forum of your school you have organized an inter-school orchestra competition on the occasion of the Silver JuBilee celeBrations of your school. Write a notice in aBout 50 words, informing the students of your school aBout this competition.

You are Rahul/Rashmi. As President of the Literary CluB of your school you have organized an inter-school deBate competition on the. occasion of the Silver JuBilee celeBrations of your school. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of your school about the competition.


Practice the notice writing on – You are Rahul/Rashmi. As President of the Literary CluB of your school you have organized an inter-school deBate competition on the. occasion of the Silver JuBilee celeBrations of your school. Write a notice in aBout 50 words, informing the students of your school aBout the competition.

Yon are the Secretary of the English Literary Association of Tagore Memorial School, Patna. Write out a notice for notice-Board, inviting names of those who would like to participate in the proposed inter-house deBate, oratorio! and elocution contest.


Practice the notice writing on – Yon are the Secretary of the English Literary Association of Tagore Memorial School, Patna. Write out a notice for notice-Board, inviting names of those who would like to participate in the proposed inter-house deBate, oratorio! and elocution contest.

You are Narain /Namrata, the Cultural Secretary of Kings’ Senior Secondary School, Nainital. Write a notice suitaBle for your school notice Board giving the details for participation of students in a cultural programme to be organised By your school. (Word limit: 50)


Practice the notice writing on – You are Narain /Namrata, the Cultural Secretary of Kings’ Senior Secondary School, Nainital. Write a notice suitaBle for your school notice Board giving the details for participation of students in a cultural programme to Be organised By your school. (Word limit: 50)