Emily Blunt – “It’s always a little mind-boggling to realize that these famous a…”
Emily Blunt best Famous Quotes – “It’s always a little mind-boggling to realize that these famous actors know who I am.”
Emily Blunt best Famous Quotes – “It’s always a little mind-boggling to realize that these famous actors know who I am.”
Emily Blunt best Famous Quotes – “It’s always a little mind-boggling to realize that these famous actors know who I am.”
Emily Blunt best Family Quotes – “If you can capture the humanity of a family struggling in an economic crisis you can make a difference. You can raise awareness just of the simple humanity.”
Emily Blunt best Car Quotes – “I used to look like a deer in headlights on the red carpet. You step out of the car and it’s bedlam. Everyone’s got crazy eyes.”
Emily Blunt best Age Quotes – “People quit on jobs. They quit on marriages. They quit on school. There’s an immediacy of this day and age that doesn’t lend itself to being committed to anything.”