Federico Fellini – “Experience is what you get while looking for something else.…”
Federico Fellini best Experience Quotes – “Experience is what you get while looking for something else.”
Federico Fellini best Experience Quotes – “Experience is what you get while looking for something else.”
Federico Fellini best Dreams Quotes – “Talking about dreams is like talking about movies, since the cinema uses the language of dreams; years can pass in a second, and you can hop from one place to another. It’s a language made of image. And in the real cinema, every object and every light means something, as in a dream.”
Federico Fellini best Communication Quotes – “A different language is a different vision of life.”
Federico Fellini best Change Quotes – “When I start a picture, I always have a script, but I change it every day. I put in what occurs to me that day out of my imagination. You start on a voyage; you know where you will end up but not what will occur along the way. You want to be surprised.”
Federico Fellini best Brainy Quotes – “You exist only in what you do.”
Federico Fellini best Art Quotes – “All art is autobiographical. The pearl is the oyster’s autobiography.”