Harriet Tubman – “I grew up like a neglected weed – ignorant of liberty, having …”
Harriet Tubman best Experience Quotes – “I grew up like a neglected weed – ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it.”
Harriet Tubman best Experience Quotes – “I grew up like a neglected weed – ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it.”
Harriet Tubman best Dreams Quotes – “In my dreams and visions, I seemed to see a line, and on the other side of that line were green fields, and lovely flowers, and beautiful white ladies, who stretched out their arms to me over the line, but I couldn’t reach them no-how. I always fell before I got to the line.”
Harriet Tubman best Death Quotes – “I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.”
Harriet Tubman best Christmas Quotes – “As I lay so sick on my bed, from Christmas till March, I was always praying for poor ole master. ‘Pears like I didn’t do nothing but pray for ole master. ‘Oh, Lord, convert ole master;’ ‘Oh, dear Lord, change dat man’s heart, and make him a Christian.'”
Pears like I prayed all the time, ’bout my work, everywhere, I prayed an’ groaned to the Lord. – Harriet Tubman