London Breed – “It is our responsibility to stand up for equality, fairness, and…”
London Breed best Equality Quotes – “It is our responsibility to stand up for equality, fairness, and civil rights.”
London Breed best Equality Quotes – “It is our responsibility to stand up for equality, fairness, and civil rights.”
London Breed best Equality Quotes – “Businesses have played an important role in advancing nondiscrimination protections across the county because they have recognized that inclusion is the right thing to do and fairness and equality are good for business.”
London Breed best Education Quotes – “By providing every student with a quality education, and the materials they need for class and to do their homework, we can help students from all backgrounds learn and thrive.”
London Breed best Education Quotes – “Early care and education helps children build the skills they need for success in kindergarten and can help close the achievement gap.”