Margo Georgiadis – “From my experience, the best advisors help in three ways: en…”


Margo Georgiadis best Best Quotes – “From my experience, the best advisors help in three ways: encourage you to look at the problem or opportunity from multiple angles; help you balance the tug of the short-term with important long-term priorities; and ask the tough questions you need to know to reach the best solution.”

Aiden English – “My mother-in-law Vickie is an amazing person and has been nothi…”


Aiden English best Amazing Quotes – “My mother-in-law Vickie is an amazing person and has been nothing but helpful and supportive. She helps with the little things, dealing with being on the road and being away from home and how to keep up communication and little things like where the best hotels are, how to find a gym, little things on the road.”