Megan Rapinoe – “If we want to be proud to be from a country like America and al…”


Megan Rapinoe best Equality Quotes – “If we want to be proud to be from a country like America and all the things that we hang our hats on, like diversity, equality, land of the free and home of the brave, it’s everybody’s responsibility to ensure that everyone in the country is being afforded the same rights.”

Megan Rapinoe – “I’m a pretty open book, so not being out publicly felt inauthen…”


Megan Rapinoe best Equality Quotes – “I’m a pretty open book, so not being out publicly felt inauthentic. Hopefully we can get to a point where your personal life isn’t anybody else’s business, but until then, it’s less about people having to know about your sexuality than standing up for what’s right and fighting for equality.”