Reshma Saujani – “Coding, it’s an endless process of trial and error, of trying …”


Reshma Saujani best Failure Quotes – “Coding, it’s an endless process of trial and error, of trying to get the right command in the right place, with sometimes just a semicolon making the difference between success and failure. Code breaks and then it falls apart, and it often takes many, many tries until that magical moment when what you’re trying to build comes to life.”

Reshma Saujani – “I never take for granted how lucky I am to be an American and …”


Reshma Saujani best Dreams Quotes – “I never take for granted how lucky I am to be an American and what a privilege it is to spend each day at a nonprofit dedicated to helping the next generation of girls achieve their dreams. My journey, as the daughter of refugees, shows what refugees and the children of refugees can create for all Americans.”

Reshma Saujani – “For so long, women have been waiting to get recognized. The wo…”


Reshma Saujani best Amazing Quotes – “For so long, women have been waiting to get recognized. The world doesn’t work that way. We need to teach girls that it’s OK to ask for what you want when it comes to your salary or whatever it is you want to enhance your career. No one is going to notice you no matter how amazing you are.”