Rudolf Steiner – “In raising children, we need to continuously keep in mind how …”


Rudolf Steiner best Best Quotes – “In raising children, we need to continuously keep in mind how we can best create the most favorable environment for their imitative behavior. Everything done in the past regarding imitation must become more and more conscious and more and more consciously connected with the future.”

Rudolf Steiner – “Architecture produces a musical mood in our inner being, and w…”


Rudolf Steiner best Architecture Quotes – “Architecture produces a musical mood in our inner being, and we notice that even though the elements of architecture and music appear to be so alien in the outer world, through this musical mood engendered in us, our experience of architecture brings about a reconciliation, a balance between these two elements.”

Rudolf Steiner – “Most actions derive not from your own initiative but from your…”


Rudolf Steiner best Alone Quotes – “Most actions derive not from your own initiative but from your family circumstances, your education, your calling, and so on. You must therefore give up a little time to performing actions which derive from yourself alone. They need not be important; quite insignificant actions fulfill the same purpose.”