60+ HR Interview Questions in TCS


Looking for advice on how to ace the HR interview questions in TCS? With the right preparation and a few tips, it’s possible to come out of the interview with flying colors. From strategies on how to answer tricky situational questions to possible supplementary inquiries, we have all the info you need. Get the answers to all of the most commonly asked HR questions in TCS interviews! From tips on preparing for stressful situations to potential follow-up questions, we’ve got you covered.

TCS HR Interview Questions | TCS HR Interview Questions  Answers
TCS HR Interview Questions

HR Interview Questions in TCS

  1. What if you are given tedious job that you don’t like in TCS what would you do?
  2. What is output (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)…….(x-z)=?
  3. If you are not selected in TCS, How would you fell?
  4. Do you have any dream company?
  5. Which programming language are you comfortable?
  6. Which skills you need to improve before joining to TCS you think?
  7. If you had to design an e-commerce website, what would be your approach?
  8. Talk about Tech Mahindra continuously till I say to stop.
  9. Are you over qualified or under qualified for the job?
  10. Give a run through your resume.
  11. Explain in detail about your academic project?
  12. What was the objective of your project.?
  13. How many members were there in your project?
  14. Who contributed more to your project?
  15. Tell me about your weakness.
  16. Tell me about your project?
  17. What is your contribution to your project?
  18. Do you know TCS terms and condition, What are they?
  19. How do you like to work as a group leader or group member, why?
  20. What is the address of TCS site?
  21. What recently took place in TATA group?
  22. Who is the CEO of TCS of TCS ? Who was the ex-CEO?
  23. How many companies come under TATA group?
  24. What are the products you use made by TATA?
  25. Are you aware of a bond policy in TCS?
  26. Why aren’t you going for higher studies?
  27. Tell me What are your strong point? What should I ask?
  28. If I ask your friends “How is Mr.X or What is his nature?”, then what will be the friends answer?
  29. Why foreign companies prefer TCS?
  30. What is your favorite subject and why?
  31. Why do you want to work for us? Why TCS?
  32. If company X offers you a better package than us, what would you do?
  33. Would you be OK to work in shifts?
  34. How can you overcome your stress?
  35. What do you do in your free time?
  36. Why Tech Mahindra?
  37. What are the things you would like to accomplish in your life.
  38. What do you know about the company, tell me something about the company which was not covered during PPT?
  39. How are you different from others?
  40. Why start with us?
  41. How did your school life go?
  42. What makes you feel you can produce result even in the pressure situations?(question from the resume)
  43. Why did you fail in your previous interviews?
  44. What is different between smart work and hard work?
  45. Why should I hire you?
  46. Give an example which show you are a quick learner?
  47. Why do you want to join Wipro?
  48. Why do you want to join an IT company?
  49. How can you change the world?
  50. What type of work environment do you prefer?
  51. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?
  52. Why should I hire you from the outside when I could promote someone from within?
  53. What are your outside interests?
  54. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
  55. Why aren’t you earning more money at this stage of your career?
  56. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
  57. What makes you angry?
  58. What do you want to achieve in the next 5 years?
  59. Tell me something about our company.
  60. What is your Short term and Long term Goal?
  61. Tell me something about yourself that is not written in your resume.
  62. How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
  63. Why haven’t you got a job yet?
  64. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

The HR interview is one of the most important steps in the recruitment process for TCS. To make sure you stand out from all other applicants and demonstrate your skills and knowledge, it’s important to know how to answer common questions that HR recruiters are likely to ask. In this article, we will provide you with 10 must-know TCS HR interview questions and detailed advice on how to answer them confidently.

Top 10 HR Interview Questions in TCS

Get to know the top 10 commonly asked HR interview questions in TCS so you can shine during your next job application. A TCS HR interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, but being prepared with information about the company and some of the most common questions asked can help ease your anxiety. Here are some of the top 10 HR interview questions in TCS that you should be ready to answer. A TCS HR interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, but being prepared with information about the company and some of the most common questions asked can help ease your anxiety. Here are some of the top 10 HR interview questions in TCS that you should be ready to answer.

What do you know about the company?

Companies like TCS want to know if you’ve done your research before the HR interview. Make sure you know what type of services the company offers, its history, and key personnel. You should also be aware of any awards or recognition it may have received. Be prepared to discuss how the company’s values influence their operations and how your skills could be a good fit for their team.

Why do you want to work for the company?

When answering this question in a TCS interview, emphasize the type of work you find stimulating and that excites you. Talk about the things that make TCS stand out from other similar companies, such as its strong reputation, team values, and leading-edge technology. Make sure to also stress how your experience and skillset could help the company reach its goals. Remember to end on a positive note by expressing interest in joining the team.

What is your experience in a team environment?

I have been working in team environments for many years, during both my academic and professional career. I understand the importance of communication, leadership, collaboration, and cooperation when working on a project or within a team. I am confident that these skills are invaluable for any successful leader and will continue to be beneficial to me as I grow.

How would you handle conflict or stress on the job?

I believe that when it comes to conflict or stress on the job, communication is key. I understand the importance of listening attentively to both sides of an argument and being assertive when expressing my opinion. I strive to remain professional and respectful while working towards a resolution. Additionally, I am always sure to research relevant materials in order to back up any claims that I make.

What are some of your biggest accomplishments?

One of my biggest accomplishments so far has been leading a high-performing team to success. I’m very proud of the fact that my team met our goals within budget and ahead of schedule, all through excellent communication, collaboration, and hard work. Additionally, I was commended by our client for facilitating successful negotiations with outside vendors in order to create mutually beneficial partnerships.

What qualities do you have that set you apart from other applicants?

My experience has strengthened my organizational skills, work ethic, and communication abilities, making me a great fit for TCS. I am also detail-oriented and creative when solving problems and take initiative on projects. Furthermore, I possess excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to think on my feet in challenging situations which makes me a great asset to any team that I join.

What are your career goals and how will this job help you reach them?

My long-term career goal is to become a Human Resources Manager at a successful and reputable company, such as TCS. This role would allow me to use my skills in problem solving and communication to help implement policies within an organization. Further, this job would give me the opportunity to build lasting relationships within the company by connecting coworkers, helping train new employees, and fostering an environment of professional growth.

How comfortable are you working with a diverse range of people?

Diversity is one of my greatest strengths – I am comfortable working with people from all backgrounds, cultures and walks of life. I believe that this is a crucial skill for any HR professional to possess, as it allows them to create an environment of inclusivity and understanding that fosters camaraderie amongst coworkers. I strive to create a team atmosphere where everyone feels heard, respected and valued.

Describe a situation where you handled conflicting opinions from customers or coworkers?

I recently handled a situation where there were conflicting opinions between coworkers. During this time, I utilized active listening techniques to ensure each person had the opportunity to express their opinion in an open and respectful way. By hearing out all sides of the conversation, I was able to come up with an effective solution that satisfied everyone involved and helped resolve the conflict. Throughout this entire process, it was important for me to remain level-headed and impartial while still being sensitive to everyone’s feelings.

Why do you want to work for TCS?

I’m passionate about making a positive impact and TCS provides an amazing platform to do so. Through their sustained values, effective solutions and top-notch customer service, I am confident that I have the right blend of skills to help further these goals. Additionally, the company’s leading edge technology gives me the opportunity to work with some of the world’s cutting-edge technologies and collaborate with some of the brightest minds in business.

Tell me about yourself?

When answering this question, it’s important to make sure you focus on your professional profile and highlight the most relevant experiences and accomplishments. Keep your answer concise, try to be specific and don’t talk too much about topics that don’t relate directly to the role. Instead, discuss experiences or accomplishments that demonstrate why you are a great fit for TCS and the job you’re interviewing for.

Why do you want to work for TCS?

TCS is an exciting and dynamic company with a global presence. I have always been passionate about technology and I understand how it can be used to create innovative solutions. Working at TCS would provide me with the opportunity to develop my knowledge and contribute to shaping the future of technology. On top of that, I am also looking for an ambitious, creative, and supportive workplace – which I believe TCS offers its employees.

What is your greatest strength/weakness?

My greatest strength is my adaptability and ability to quickly learn new skills, combined with my strong problem solving and analytical abilities. I’m also a creative thinker and have great interpersonal skills when it comes to working with people from different cultures and backgrounds. As for weaknesses, I would say that I can sometimes be too detail-oriented which can lead me to overlook the bigger picture. To combat this, I make sure to take a step back every now and again to gain a better perspective on projects.

Describe a time when you overcame a challenge at work?

Last year I was faced with the challenge of preparing and presenting a large amount of data for competitive research. It seemed overwhelming at first, but I figured out a way to break it down into smaller chunks that were easier to process. I organized the data into a series of documents and charts, which allowed me to quickly understand what it was telling me and formulate conclusions. In the end, my presentation was praised by our team as well as upper management!

How would you handle an irate customer?

I believe that communication is key when dealing with any customer, especially one who is irate. My first step would be to keep my composure and provide a calm, friendly presence. I would then strive to actively listen and understand their grievances, then come up with solutions that best suit the situation. I believe in treating every customer with respect and finding ways to meet their needs. By being understanding and respectful, we can often turn an unpleasant situation into a positive experience for all involved.