Syntel Inc HR interview questions and answers
- Are you ready to work in shifts?
- Languages you are comfortable in?
- Do you have done any certification?
- What is the difference between CSE and IT?
- Can you write any program, in such a way that If you run, it will run without any error.
- How much you scored in CET?
- Take this paper, do something with that, even you can crush are you can make an art, you can use the pen, but you should not write any thing on the paper. Take 5 mins of time. And you have to explain me why you have done that and what is the reason behind it.
- What if you are given tedious job that you don’t like in TCS what would you do?
- If you are not selected in TCS, How would you fell?
- Have you used testing in your programs?
- What technologies did you teach to yourself?
- What was the objective of your project.?
- Are you flexible enough to learn something which is not of your interest ?
- Tell me something about your academic project? your role/responsibility.
- Tell me about computers?
- Who developed JAVA?
- Which type of movies do you like?
- What are your plus points?
- Tell me 5 good things about Syntel?
- Which language you most like in Engineering?
- Why Syntel not others if you have offer in hand.?
- Why have your marks gone down after your 10th?
- Tell me about your educational background from 10th onward.
- If I will pay you 1 Lakh rupee per month but your job will be to sweep the broom & clean my office daily. Can you do this?
- Your beautiful place and describe it.
- Considering your educational performance how many ranks you will give yourself out of 5?
- If you are in a team and there is a conflict between 2 people then how you will solve it?
- Why do want to go in Testing field?
- Why should Syntel Hire you?
- What are your expectations from us?
- Do you have any reallocation problems?
- Are you fine with relocation to Chennai and bond of Syntel?
- Tell me about Syntel.
- Why JAVA is better than C++?
- How you differ from other candidates?
- What do know about Christopher Nolan?
- Why you want to join Syntel?
- What is your Latest movie?
- Who is your favorite hero/heroin?
- How will you handle the work pressure?
- What are you aspiring to become?
- What do you want to be in your life?
- Narrate the recent movie which you watched?
- What was a turning point in your life?
- What are your bad qualities?
- Justify your self, that you are self-motivated (as you mention)?
- Are you ok with our rule of signing a bond for the first 15 months after joining our company?
- Are you a team player?
- Do you consider yourself successful? OR How can you say that you are successful?
- Could you have done better in your last job?
- Why aren’t you earning more money at this stage of your career?
- Looking back, what would you do differently in your life?
- Are you an Introvert or Extrovert?
- What makes you angry?
- What is your greatest weakness?
- Are you ready to relocate or travel? OR Do you have any problem with relocation?
- if we hired you how long would you expect to work for us? What are your outside interests?
- What is your greatest achievement?
- What was your biggest mistake?
- Do you know anyone who works with this company?
- Are you planning to go for further studies?
- Can you work under pressure?
- How much salary do you expect?
- What is your Short term and Long term Goal?
- Tell me something about yourself that is not written in your resume.
- Why haven’t you got a job yet?
- What motivates you to do good job?
- Tell me about yourself.
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Why do you want to work at our company?