Birth was the death of him. …” – Samuel Beckett
Birth was the death of him. – Samuel Beckett
Birth was the death of him. – Samuel Beckett
Experience is the teacher of all things. – Julius Caesar
Life is but a day:
A fragile dewdrop on its perilious way
From a tree’s summit. – John Keats
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever. – George Orwell
The information encoded in your DNA determines your unique biological characteristics, such as sex, eye color, age and Social Security number. – Dave Barry
It is not Kejriwal who took oath today but it is the common man, it is the victory of the common man. – Arvind Kejriwal
Time is passing so fast, people go in and out of your life. Without losing any chance you have to tell these people how much they mean to you. – Alexander Graham Bell
The typical response from people when I tell them I’m diabetic is, ‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.’ You know, I’m not. I’m a better athlete because of diabetes rather than despite it. I’m more aware of my training, my fitness and more aware of nutrition. I’m more proactive about my health. – Charlie Kimball
If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health. – Hippocrates
If you are young and you drink a great deal it will spoil your health, slow your mind, make you fat – in other words, turn you into an adult. – P. J. O'Rourke
Money spent on carbon cuts is money we can’t use for effective investments in food aid, micronutrients, HIV/AIDS prevention, health and education infrastructure, and clean water and sanitation. – Bjorn Lomborg
It’s so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy. Losing your cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot messes with your health. – Joyce Meyer
One way to make health care more affordable is a Flexible Savings Account that allows families to save tax free money to pay for medical bills. – Marco Rubio
Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted. – Denis Waitley
Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined. – Johnny Carson