You are the manager of a factory named Nishant Private Ltd. You generally face the problem of attendance count of the employees and they take unnecessary benefit of the situation. Write a mail to the head manager for issue of card at factory while in or out of employees. Hint:Issue order, to display attendance cards, or employees or visitors while in or leaving factory
I want to bring this to your notice that due to the lack of manpower and the accurate form of the system it is becoming difficult for me to keep the clean record of attendance of our employees in a manual form. Somehow or the other it is getting distorted and some employees are taking disadvantage of this situation which is not in favour of our factory rules and regulations.
Hence it is my earnest request to you to issue a digital card system for all the employees to keep the clean records of their in and out timings. I hope you will issue an order as soon as possible in this regard and will arrange for display attendance cards to keep the process clean and hassle-free. Eagerly awaiting your response.