Sampel 1:
Sub – Requirement of a new employee in the company.
Hi Jones,
I want to draw your attention towards the increasing volume of work in our company and lack of staff to handle them. We have recently launched new projects but have not increased the number of employees in that proportion. There is too much work for which we urgently need a full-time dedicated expert is urgently required.
At present, you should hire one expert to manage the new project who can also explore future business opportunities. Two of our projects will complete in a couple of months. Last year we had already missed some business opportunities, because of an inadequate number of employees.
I am hopeful you agree to this proposal and will take the necessary steps to resolve this issue.
Warm regards,
Sampel 2:
January 24, 2022 by Cheryl Patel
Subject: Need to hire a new employee.
Dear Mr Jones,
This is to bring to your notice that as a result of new construction projects coming our way, we will need to hire a new employee.
It is too much work pressure on the employees and resultantly the quality of the work is getting affected. Moreover, we need an expert in providing our solutions on specific issues and finally, because of the work pressure, we are missing out on business opportunities due to lack of manpower for timely delivery of projects.
I Hope, I could convince you to hire a new employee and if you need any clarification on the same please feel free to contact me.
Thanking you
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