Sarita Lakhani
F-131, Gandhi Colony,
Surat, Gujarat,
24th January 2022
The Principal
Manisha Academy
Surat, Gujarat,
Subject: Request to stock more books for the library.
Respected Madam,
I am Puneet Lakhani, brother of Sarita Lakhani who is a student of Class X. This is to bring to your notice that the copies of the book containing the Question Bank in English are insufficient. Most of the students are not able to get hold of the book because of lack of stock. Question Banks are very important for preparing for board exams and hence I request you to get more books for the library to meet the demands of the students.
Hoping for quick action from your end.
Thanking you
Puneet Lakhani
(Brother of Sarita Lakhani Class-X)
👉 If you like this Letter answer for “Your brother/sister, Puneet/Nita, is studying in class X in Manisha Academy, Surat. You have come to know that in the school library, the copies of the book containing the Question Bank in English are insufficient. Your brother/sister has not been able to get the book. Write a letter to the Principal of the school requesting him/her to get more books for the library to meet the demands of the students. You are Vinod/Sarita, living at F-131, Gandhi Colony, Surat.” then share this letter with friends to help them.
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Humble Request:
Thus “Your brother/sister, Puneet/Nita, is studying in class X in Manisha Academy, Surat. You have come to know that in the school library, the copies of the book containing the Question Bank in English are insufficient. Your brother/sister has not been able to get the book. Write a letter to the Principal of the school requesting him/her to get more books for the library to meet the demands of the students. You are Vinod/Sarita, living at F-131, Gandhi Colony, Surat.” ends here. We have tried our best to avoid any kind of error in this Letter Question. If you still find any error in this letter then you can give us your valuable suggestion by emailing or commenting so that we can provide you with more such answers that too error-free.
If you have any suggestion regarding this letter (Your brother/sister, Puneet/Nita, is studying in class X in Manisha Academy, Surat. You have come to know that in the school library, the copies of the book containing the Question Bank in English are insufficient. Your brother/sister has not been able to get the book. Write a letter to the Principal of the school requesting him/her to get more books for the library to meet the demands of the students. You are Vinod/Sarita, living at F-131, Gandhi Colony, Surat.) or you want that something else should be added to it, then you can write your suggestions in the comment section below. With these suggestions/ideas, we will get a chance to learn something and improve something.
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