Your friend Krishna achieved 100% in his final term examinations. Write an email congratulating him for his great success in exams. Please use the below phrases and limit the content between 70 to 100 words. Hint:glad , scored , 100% , final exam , success , remarkable , worked hard , parents and teachers , celebrate , success
I hope you are doing well. I just came to know about the result of your final term examinations. I’m glad to see that you scored 100% in the final exams. I want to congratulate you whole heartedly for this significant achievement. I know you worked hard for it. Your teachers and parents must be feeling proud this time. This is going to be the remarkable achievement
We will celebrate your success together. I’ll come next week to meet you.
I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. I am glad to hear that you have scored 100% marks in your final examination. My heartiest congratulations on this remarkable success of yours. You have worked hard consistently and undoubtedly deserved this success. Your parents and teachers must be feeling proud of you. I wish I were there to celebrate with you. Anyways my blessings and good wishes are always there with you. I am planning to meet you soon. My regards to elders and love for children.