Cleanliness Essay For Class 1
- Cleanliness is keeping your surroundings clean and tidy.
- Cleanliness should be a habit to keep yourself and the environment hygienic and healthy living.
- A clean environment is free of diseases and has positivity in it.
- Cleanliness should be taken as a responsibility by everyone that is needed for the progress of a nation.
- Cleanliness has various aspects such as proper sanitation, neat and clean body and hygienic place.
- Cleanliness also represents the social behaviour and etiquettes of people.
- We all should come together to make our society clean and free from pollution and harmful diseases.
- In India various steps are taken by the government of India to make the country free from dirty garbage.
- The Swachh Bharat Mission started by the Indian government is appreciated all over the world.
- Cleanliness is the main lead which takes the nation towards prosperity and development.
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