Television should be banned for children


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Essay on Television should be banned for children

Our lives have undergone radical change since the advent of media and especially television. It has also affected our family relations and family system to a great extent. Of all the members of the family, children are the worst sufferers. Gone are the days when all the members of the family used to sit together and spend time with their children, help them in their studies, and inculcate values in them. Moreover, the next generation parents are over engaged and they hardly get time to spend with their kids and often depend on social media tools and television to ‘babysit’ their children. In such a scenario, the million-dollar question arising in every sensitive person’s mind today is that should television be banned for children? The answer, of course, is not that simple.

Different countries are of different views in this regard. France recommends parents not allow kids under three to watch television whereas the US also favours a complete ban on television screen time until at least 18 months. According to a report published in a medical journal overexposure to screen can cause addiction even among toddlers leading to a medical condition known as virtual autism. School-going children who spend more than 2-3 hours in front of the television per day often suffer from ADHD (Attention- Deficit HyperActivity Disorder), which leads to a lack of focus not only in academics but also an unwillingness to participate in any outdoor sports or creative activity. Now coming to teenagers, it is very essential to keep a check on what they should watch and what they shouldn’t. TV programs highlighting violence, sex, drugs, and alcohol abuse are a strict no-no for growing kids and adolescents. As they are not mature enough to understand many of these issues, watching shows with such inappropriate content can alter their brain structure and endorse negative behaviour and emotional imbalance. TV addiction also leads to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity further puts them at the risk of developing obesity and other health disorders related to the eyes, heart, and brain.

It is not that television has only negative impacts on kids. Apart from entertainment television, if used as a tool, can become an asset to kids’ education. The first introduction to letters, numbers, and colours to toddlers is given in a very effective and fun way through television kid’s channels. TV makes older children well aware of what’s happening in the world, helps them learn new skills and the educational programs explain even complex concepts in easy and interesting ways resulting in enhanced performance in schools. The solution is not putting a total ban but choosing the quality programs and spending time productively so that children can get the maximum benefit out of this amazing ‘idiot box’ and become balanced and responsible citizens when they grow up.

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