In your opinion. What are the qualities that are required for a person to be successful in life?


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In your opinion. What are the qualities that are required for a person to be successful in life?

Success is the ability to achieve professional, personal, and life goals. There are countless examples of successful persons who have achieved success through willpower, proper planning, and hard work. After analysing their carrier graph and success mantra, I have concluded that if one wants to be successful in life, one should cultivate oneself as one would cultivate a garden for the best yield. In my opinion, therefore, a person must have the following qualities in himself or herself to be successful in life: 

  • Willpower โ€“ First and the foremost thing is that you must have the willpower to achieve your goal. Whatever you want, make sure to grab it. Stay focussed and be consistent in your effort. Doing things half-heartedly will land you nowhere.
  • Think Big โ€“ Michelangelo Buonarroti, a great renaissance artist, has said, “The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” This means that you should not give up your dream for something more realistic and easier, rather be ambitious and think big.
  • Planning โ€“ While working on your goal, stick to your plan, mark your progress level in a calendar, track them and keep moving forward.  If your journey is organized and well planned then only you can reach your destination in time and without obstacles.
  • Self-reliance โ€“ You should have faith in yourself and be responsible and accountable for your commitments. Never doubt your capabilities and be confident.
  • Optimism โ€“ Optimism is an approach towards making a better futureโ€“unless you trust that the future can be great, you are unlikely to step up and take charge of your actions for making it so.
  • Commitment to learning โ€“ Learning is a lifelong process and successful persons are those who do not hesitate to learn new things and gain knowledge regardless of their age.
  • Communication โ€“ Communication implies both what you say and what you hear from others. Pay attention to whatever you listen to and learn the art of reading between the lines or listening to the unheard words. In this way, you can grasp the best things to make your journey of success easier.
  • A desire to improve โ€“ Never think that you are perfect. There is always room for improvement in anything and everything you do. Recognize your weaknesses and work hard on their improvement.
  • Creativity โ€“ Creativity is one’s capability to overcome obstacles and find a solution to any problem that comes on the way to success. If one road is blocked try searching for another. This is what most creative persons do.
  • Accept failure for ultimate success โ€“ Winston Churchill has rightly said that “success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” All successful persons are willing to learn from failure and make better decisions that will give them success later. They don’t give up easily.

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