Do you prefer to be just a member of a group or the leader of a group
Personally, I prefer to be a leader rather than a member-only. Leaders are the people who are responsible for decision making, planning, and coordination among members. I like to lead in any kind of situation. I am also a very responsible person and like to take the burden on my shoulder.
A leader is someone who gives direction to any task assigned to his team. A group is a bunch of people who comes together to perform a certain task. A leader is a person responsible for the whole success of the project. In the software field, project managers are the person responsible for the whole success of the project. In paramilitary Assistant commandant is the person responsible for the success of their operation in any kind of situation. It may be harsh, humid or cold but “a soldier never quit” and motivate their soldiers to achieve the target. Everywhere in any field, there must be one person involved in one task who is more responsible for its success and that person is referred to as ‘Leader’.
It is a common philosophy that “if we have a good leader we can pass our hard journey with great comfort”.Like in India our prime minister is responsible for the development of the country in many ways by constructing roadways, trains, IT revolution, and many other actions. If we are courageous and have the guts to make decisions then we can be a leader.
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