Essay Writing Topics for Wipro
- Essay on Social Media
- Role of media in social development
- In the nuclear age, the production and development of weaponry challenge the very existence of humankind. How useful are weapons? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Write a response explaining the pros and cons of the arms race. Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Provide examples.
- The true definition of life is to have a healthy work-life balance. Happiness in either work or home is short lived. It is not balanced by happiness in the other. Write a response examining the needs of personal and professional life. How do achieve a proper balance? How can you make success everlasting?
- The true definition of success to have a healthy work-life balance. Happiness in either work or
home is short-lived if it is not balanced by happiness in the other. - “He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good leader” Write a response that describes the traits of a good leaders. To what extend do you agree with your statement? Explore the arguments for both for and against the statement.
- People should choose careers that are monetarily rewarding even if their passion lies elsewhere because money plays a very important role in life. (Support your stand with reasons and examples.)
- Education is the key to success essay
- Essay on “Think of a time when you had been given a responsibility and failed to keep it”โ
- Global Superpowers wish to extend their influence over the entire world. Nuclear weaponry is key to this expansion.
- You are in charge of coordinating a three-day cultural festival at your college. It is scheduled to take place in two months time.
- Nowadays, many young people willing to seek job opportunities abroad and are open to the idea of settling there long term.
- What are the factors that you would consider while deciding whether to join a particular organization or not? Note: Assume that the job is of your choice and the salary meets your expectations.
- Roots of Corruption in India
- Internet is boon or bane?
- Essay on The Generation Gap
- Partiality between poor and rich
- Global Warming and its Threats
- Technology makes human slave – Support and oppose
- Education is influenced by parents and relatives
- 3 things I would change about the world
- If you were not in this field then which field you would have chosen
- Essay on Climate Change
- How important is it to have a personal-professional balance in life to be happy? What do you do to achieve that?
- Digital India for a New India essay in English for Children and Students
- Will swacch Bharat campaign succeed?
- Is social media a right platform to discuss political issues
- Which qualities you would prefer in a person while establishing a long-term friendship/Relationship
- Pros and Cons of Social Networking Site.
- You are part for a travel group. The group has 5 boys and 3 girls apart from you. It is your turn to plan a vacation during the Christmas holidays.
- Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.
- Leading causes of unemployment around the world.
- The toughest situation you came across? How did you conquer it? How it changed your personality?
- anyone influenced you to get an good habit and how can do you practice that habit.
- Essay on Democracy
- Farmer protest and his impact on economic
- Television should be banned for children
- In your opinion, when it it justified for a company to dismiss an employee? What are the considerations to be taken before making such a decisions?
- Addiction of Mobile in Youth
- Why we should remove the employee from the company.
- How a person can be successful in his life
- In your opinion. What are the qualities that are required for a person to be successful in life?
- A people that values it privileges above its principles loses both.
- The ultimate weapon is not a loaded gun but an educated mind
- Food Security in India
- Management of Indian border disputes – a complex task.
- Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life.
- “The Past” is permanent dimension of human consciousness and values.
- Alternative technologies for climate change resilient India.
- A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
- Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere
- โ๐ผ Essay on old vs new ideology
- Indian education and foreign education
- Education is the most powerful weapon
- Effects of Mobiles on teens
- Essay on Veg vs Non-Veg
- Practical knowledge is better than bookish knowledge
- Unity in Diversity – Often Discussed, Rarely Practiced
- What are the way the IT people to help an uneducated Public
- Do you prefer to be just a member of a group or the leader of a group
- Whether as a role of leader make you learn easy or be a member in a group make you comfort, why?
- Pollution in the community and what would you do to control it