All Essay Writing Topics
- Essay On Places Related to Freedom Struggle
- Essay on my favourite game Ludo
- Actions speak louder than words Essay
- Essay on time management is the key to success
- Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover Essay
- Importance of chemistry in our daily life essay
- Essay on The Republic Day | Republic Day Essay in English
- Essay on My Family in English
- Essay on Importance of education in English
- Essay on wonder of science in English
- Essay on Christmas in English for Students
- Smart classrooms or traditional classrooms teaching which are more effective and why?
- An essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English
- An Essay on Holi Festival in English
- an Essay on the Independence Day in English | Essay on 15th August in English
- Culture and tradition are as important as science to the progress and well being of society, write a response that critically analyse, how and tradition influences society amidst the effects of scientific and technological development
- Children’s Day Essay in english for Students and Children
- Essay on Social Media
- Global Warming Essay in English 500 words
- Essay on Pongal in English
- Essay on My Best Friend for Students Children
- Diwali Essay in English | 10 Lines on Diwali Essay in English 150 Words
- Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English | Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay for Students
- Essay on Govardhan Puja in English for Children and Students | 10 Lines on Govardhan Puja
- Essay on Bhai Dooj for Students and Children in English | 10 Lines on Bhai Dooj
- Essay on Dhanteras in English for Children and Students | 10 Lines on Dhanteras in English for Children and Students
- Essay on Healing the Mother Earth
- Essay on Yoga
- Essay 10 Lines on Taj Mahal in English
- Our society is disrupted by the ever-widening gap between rich and poor. One percent of the world’s population controls half of all global wealth. While a quarter of world’s population struggles to feed themselves daily. Write a response describing the causes and consequences of the situation. What remedies might be effective?
- An essay on women empowerment in english
- Essay on Agnipath Scheme / Essay on Agniveer
- Festival Ganesh Chaturthi Essay in English for Students and Children
- Sri Krishna Janmashtami Essay in English for Students and Children
- Essay on Raksha Bandhan Festival in English
- Role of media in social development
- Essay on My Mother in English
- Music effects on the human body Essay
- The educational achievement of any person depends largely on family, friends and society. Do you agree or disagree with this statements? Your response should explore both side of the argument.
- In the nuclear age, the production and development of weaponry challenge the very existence of humankind. How useful are weapons? Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Write a response explaining the pros and cons of the arms race. Do the benefits outweigh the risks? Provide examples.
- How to be a good friend essay ?
- Has technology become a new addiction? Have we become slaves to our new creation? Write a response that expresses your thoughts. To what extent do you agree or disagree Explain your reasoning.
- The tight curriculum of our current education system leaves no room for imagination and creativity. Write a response that expresses your thoughts. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Explain your reasoning.
- Essay on advantages and disadvantages of fast food
- The true definition of life is to have a healthy work-life balance. Happiness in either work or home is short lived. It is not balanced by happiness in the other. Write a response examining the needs of personal and professional life. How do achieve a proper balance? How can you make success everlasting?
- Nature provides us with much. But when we abuse nature, we risk disaster. Write a response explaining how we harm ourselves and how we harm the environment.
- Essay on Laughter is the best medicine
- Essay on music has the power to heal
- The true definition of success to have a healthy work-life balance. Happiness in either work or
home is short-lived if it is not balanced by happiness in the other. - Is Life better In a small town or a big city?Write a response explaining your preference. Justify your opinion with suitable examples.
- Essay about deforestation | causes of deforestation
- “He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good leader” Write a response that describes the traits of a good leaders. To what extend do you agree with your statement? Explore the arguments for both for and against the statement.
- People should choose careers that are monetarily rewarding even if their passion lies elsewhere because money plays a very important role in life. (Support your stand with reasons and examples.)
- As a child, what will be your contributions for your country
- Essay on Rainy Day in English
- Education is the key to success essay
- Essay on Homework should be banned
- Essay on “Think of a time when you had been given a responsibility and failed to keep it”
- Essay on how to conduct elections during covid 19 pandemic in 700 words
- Global Superpowers wish to extend their influence over the entire world. Nuclear weaponry is key to this expansion.
- You are in charge of coordinating a three-day cultural festival at your college. It is scheduled to take place in two months time.
- Essay on self discipline and its importance
- Nowadays, many young people willing to seek job opportunities abroad and are open to the idea of settling there long term.
- Mahashivratri Essay in English
- Essay On Principles of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in plastic waste management
- Are we too dependent on computers essay
- Essay on Online Classes During Lockdown in English
- The Importance Of English Language Essay
- Home schooling vs public school
- What are the factors that you would consider while deciding whether to join a particular organization or not? Note: Assume that the job is of your choice and the salary meets your expectations.
- Roots of Corruption in India
- What is the Role of Judiciary in India essay?
- Are Reservation for Lower Class Fair?
- Advantages and disadvantages of work from home essay
- Essay on GST in 300, 500, 700, 800, 1000 word
- When will the Indian Women be Safe?
- illiteracy is cause of all issues in society
- best friends make the good times better & hard times easier
- Internet is boon or bane?
- Essay on Coronavirus
- Essay on depletion of natural resources
- Essay on Effects of Deforestation
- Social media speech independence: should be regulated or not?
- Role of technology in development of India essay
- Essay on The Generation Gap
- Partiality between poor and rich
- Global Warming and its Threats
- Technology makes human slave – Support and oppose
- Education is influenced by parents and relatives
- 3 things I would change about the world
- If you were not in this field then which field you would have chosen
- Essay on Climate Change
- How important is it to have a personal-professional balance in life to be happy? What do you do to achieve that?
- Digital India for a New India essay in English for Children and Students
- Internet Influence on kids
- Will swacch Bharat campaign succeed?
- An essay on ‘People we come across’
- Pandemic is triggering notable issues including psychological health brics
- Learners must adopt to the new normal system in education.
- Plagiarism is a serious offense.
- Why do we celebrate valentine’s day?
- Essay on Hill Station | a visit to a hill station
- Write an essay on the topic “Covid-19 spread and measures taken.” In 200 words
- Essay on universe and solar system
- A visit to the market during Covid-19 lockdown Essay
- Essay On Science In Everyday Life
- Why we celebrate International Women’s Day
- Why books are important?
- Essay on health is wealth
- Essay on Progress of Indian Education Sector After independence
- Smoking in public places should be banned essay
- Essay On Strategy Of 6r’s- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Redesign, Remanufacture
- Dr. Herbert David Kleber Essay
- Should students textbooks be replaced by notebook computers?
- Advantages and disadvantages of lockdown essay
- Sociological Imagination Essays
- Problems faced by women in India Essay
- Integrity a way of life essay
- Essay on poem the road not taken
- Advantages and Disadvantages of being Young
- If winter comes can spring be far behind
- Technology making life better or worse essay
- Why do we celebrate holi festival?
- Essay on Paralympics 2020
- Online education vs traditional education
- Essay on how to improve habits of cleanliness in daily life
- Communication skills essay
- Essay On National Sports Day
- Which is your opinion is more important a healthy body or a healthy mind.
- Ways to protect endangered animals
- The impact of modern entertainment on society
- Gender Inequality in India Essay
- Essay on World AIDS Day
- Essay on importance of fundamental duties
- Effect of bad friends essay
- Essay on how to beat pandemic Blues
- Advantages of science and technology in the medical field
- Essay on World Environment Day
- Essay on child labour in India
- Essay on water
- Essay on Delhi Pollution / The Rising pollution in Delhi
- Essay on discipline
- India has always believed in the value of the family
- Essay On World Ozone Day
- Should boys and girls be in separate classes
- Essay on why rules are important
- Essay On Healthy Air Healthy Planet
- My parents | Essay on my parents
- Essay on the importance of water
- Essay on Cyber Crime | what is cybercrime? | How to Prevent cybercrime?
- Money causes more harm than good essay
- Essay on importance of exercise
- Essay on my school
- Essay on Covid-19 Responsive School
- why do we celebrate Buddha Purnima?
- Essay on honesty and trustworthiness
- Uses of electricity in our daily life essay
- First day of school after lockdown
- Essay on mokshagundam visvesvaraya | happy engineering day
- Essay on importance of advertising
- Why do we celebrate gudi padwa ?
- Why & How does Celebrate good friday ? Good friday in hindi
- Your Future Depends On Your Aspirations
- Essay On Innovative Ideas for Zero Plastic Waste
- Essay On Culture Of Sikkim | Essay On Art, Culture, Festival and
- Why honesty is important in a friendship
- Why honesty is important in our life
- Why I love America essay
- Duties of Students as Citizens of Free India
- Essay on World Book Day | World Book Day and Copyright Day
- health care should be free for everyone essay
- Essay on present time school system in India
- The use of mobile phones has lowered active social life and has become an addiction
- Essay on Fest
- Essay on Makar Sankranti
- benefits of Drinking Coffee essay
- My father is my hero essay in english
- Essay on the person I admire the most
- Essay on benefits of telecommunication
- Essay on patriotism and nation building in india
- Should students be allowed to carry cellphones at school
- Should student not take part in the politics
- Should Extreme Sports be Banned or not
- Social empowerment programmes in india
- Reducing single use plastic pollution Role of youth essay
- Difference between independence day and republic day
- Private tuitions are a necessary evil essay
- Failures are Pillars of Success Essay
- Dogs are better than cats essay
- How to promote sports and games in the country
- Essay on How I spent my time during lockdown
- Why female education is important essay
- Essay on The importance of Communication barrier
- Short essay on basant Panchami in english
- Argumentative essay on school uniforms
- Essay On Journey Of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji
- Essay on Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra
- Cause and Effects of the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants
- Essay on ways to improve tourism sector in India
- Save nature save mankind essay
- Oil Conservation Towards Healthy essay
- Essay on Guru Purnima
- India is Incredible travel and explores Essay
- Report writing on blood donation camp
- Essay on Guru Govind Singh Jayanti
- cleanliness is next to Godliness Essay
- Essay on how to overcome the fear of maths
- Essay on consumer rights and consumer responsibilities
- My favourite game badminton essay
- Should Students get Limited access to the Internet?
- How has the internet changed our lives essay
- Essay on Impact of e-commerce in business
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away essay
- Computer can replace a teacher essay
- Essay on advantages and disadvantages of television
- Essay on Time and Tide Waits for None
- Essay on changes in education system my views
- Gratitude is great essay | Gratitude Is The best Attitude
- Essay on Tokyo Olympics 2021
- Prevention is better than cure essay
- How to keep the environment clean essay
- Essay on relationship between sociology and education
- Essay on Cristiano Ronaldo
- Importance of mathematics in daily life essay
- Essay on harmful effects of plastic bags
- Independence Day Speech For Students in english short
- Essay on Dependence on technology makes humanity less intelligent
- The advantages and disadvantages of internet essay
- Impact of technology on human relations essay
- Essay on importance of sports and games
- Essay on ecosystem restoration
- Essay on why reading is important
- Advantages and disadvantages of online classes
- Essay on my favourite player MS Dhoni
- Essay on Fitness beats pandemic
- Essay on my favourite animal rabbit
- Contribution of Technology in Education
- A Future without Plastic Waste through Sustainability and …
- Essay on my country India
- My favourite sport cricket essay
- Education should be free for everyone
- My favourite animal | Essay on My Favorite animal
- Essay on my favorite sport football
- Essay on my favourite sportsperson Virat Kohli
- Advantages and Disadvantages of online
- Essay on online Education during Lockdown
- You are part for a travel group. The group has 5 boys and 3 girls apart from you. It is your turn to plan a vacation during the Christmas holidays.
- Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.
- Leading causes of unemployment around the world.
- pros and cons of Electronic System.
- The toughest situation you came across? How did you conquer it? How it changed your personality?
- anyone influenced you to get an good habit and how can do you practice that habit.
- Television should be banned for children
- In your opinion, when it it justified for a company to dismiss an employee? What are the considerations to be taken before making such a decisions?
- Essay on Democracy
- Farmer protest and his impact on economic
- Addiction of Mobile in Youth
- Why we should remove the employee from the company.
- How a person can be successful in his life
- In your opinion. What are the qualities that are required for a person to be successful in life?
- A people that values it privileges above its principles loses both.
- The ultimate weapon is not a loaded gun but an educated mind
- Food Security in India
- Management of Indian border disputes – a complex task.
- Customary morality cannot be a guide to modern life.
- Alternative technologies for climate change resilient India.
- A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.
- Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere
- Essay on Govt job
- “The Past” is permanent dimension of human consciousness and values.
- Essay on Single Use Plastic Ban
- Essay on New Education Policy 2020
- Essay on Aatmanirbhar Bharat
- Essay on Online Classes Vs Traditional Classes
- Essay on Benefits of Yoga in English
- Essay on Ozone layer depletion
- benefits of network marketing in business
- Farm Bill 2020 or Agriculture Bill 2020
- Essay on Vocal for Local
- Essay on Farmer Suicides in India
- Essay on Poverty in India
- Mention a situation when you were able to successfully persuade your team members to perceive things your way. How did you go about that?
- Reducing stress provides health benefits & increase individual productivity at work. What is your mechanism to reduce stress.?
- Do you support this statement? – “If we abuse nature, it may turn evil.”
- Essay on Election
- Essay on Knowledge
- Essay on Terrorism in India
- Essay on Ethics
- Essay on PUBG Mobile Game Addiction
- Essay on Prevention of Global Warming
- Essay on Value of Oxygen and Water in Life/Earth
- Essay on Wildlife Conservation
- Essay on Basketball
- Essay on World Health Day
- Essay on Status of Women in India
- Essay on Dussehra for Children and Students
- Essay on Role of Science in Making India
- Essay on Consequences of Global Warming
- Essay on Freedom of the Press
- Essay on Blood Donation
- Essay on Criticism
- Essay on Soil Pollution
- Essay on Role of Human Activities in Global Warming
- Essay on Vehicle Pollution
- Essay on AIDS
- Essay on Life of Soldiers
- Essay on Addiction
- Essay on India
- Essay on Election Commission of India
- Essay on Nationalism
- Essay on Fundamental Rights
- Essay on Organ Donation
- Essay on Fair
- Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali
- Essay on Start-up India
- Essay on Mountain Climbing
- Essay on Indian Culture And Tradition
- Essay on International Yoga Day
- Essay on Black Money
- Essay on Health Education
- Essay on Casteism in India
- Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources
- Essay on Indian Heritage
- Essay on Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
- Essay on Life in an Indian Village
- Essay on Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
- Essay on Traffic Rules
- Essay on Newspaper and Its Uses
- Essay on Importance Of Forest
- Essay on Career Goals
- Essay on Nelson Mandela
- Essay on Cyber Security
- Essay on Summer Camp
- Essay on Greenhouse effect
- Essay on Waste Management
- Essay on Importance of Communication
- Essay on Red Fort
- Essay on Plastic Bag
- Essay on Life
- Essay on Jan Dhan Yojana
- Essay on Solar System
- Essay on Mother
- Essay on Indian Economy
- Essay on Female Foeticide
- Essay on Save Electricity
- Essay on Green Revolution
- Essay on Importance of Trees in our Life
- Essay on Secularism
- Essay on Make In India
- Essay on My School Fete
- Essay on Environment and Human Health
- Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building
- Essay on Financial Literacy
- Essay on Importance of Friends in our Life
- Essay on Democracy vs Dictatorship
- Essay on Impact of Global Warming on Oceans
- Essay on Statue of Unity
- Essay on Sachin Tendulkar
- Essay on Patriotism
- Essay on Subhas Chandra Bose
- Essay on National Integration
- Essay on Traffic Jam
- Essay on Life on Mars
- Essay on A Picnic with Family
- Essay on Reading is Good Habit
- Essay on Man vs. Machine
- Essay on Diabetes
- Essay on Incredible India
- Essay on Pollution due to Festivals
- Essay on Mothers
- Essay on Vocational Education
- Essay on Gardening
- Essay on India Gate
- Essay on Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat
- Essay on Slavery
- Essay on Save Tiger
- Essay on Tsunami
- Essay on National Constitution Day
- Essay on Conservation of Biodiversity
- Essay on Cancer
- Essay on Unity is Diversity
- Essay on Library and Its Uses
- Essay on Health And Hygiene
- Essay on Aryabhatta
- Essay on Morning Walk
- Essay on Harmful Effects Of Junk Food
- Essay on Google
- Essay on Importance of National Integration
- Essay on Labour Day
- Essay on Issues and Problems faced by Women in India
- Essay on Energy Conservation
- Essay on Family Planning in India
- Essay on Untouchability
- Essay on Democracy in India
- Essay on Impact of Privatization
- Essay on World Population Day
- Essay on Self Discipline
- Essay on Vacation
- Essay on Pollution Due to Firecrackers
- Essay on Social Networking Sites
- Essay on Values
- Essay on Winter Vacation
- Essay on Life after School
- Essay on Career
- Essay on Railway Station
- Essay on Sound Pollution
- Essay on Importance of Good Manners
- Essay on Biodiversity
- Essay on Youth
- Essay on Acid Rain
- Essay on beti Bachao beti Padhao
- Essay on Save Water Save Life
- Essay on Ambedkar Jayanti
- Essay on Obesity
- Essay on Unity
- Essay on Mental Health
- Essay on Life in a Big City
- Essay on Population Growth
- Essay on Drought
- Essay on Importance of Tree Plantation
- Essay on Save Girl Child
- Essay on City Life Vs Village Life
- Essay on National Festivals of India
- Essay on Rain Water Harvesting
- Essay on Sri Aurobindo
- Essay on Effects of Global Warming
- Essay on Child is Father of the Man
- Essay on Health And Fitness
- Essay on Women Education in India
- Essay on Bribery
- Essay on Unity Is Strength
- Essay on Dowry System
- Essay on Road Rage
- Essay on Election and Democracy
- Essay on Cruelty To Animals
- Essay on Conservation of Nature
- Essay on Procrastination
- Essay on Mothers Love
- Essay on A Good Friend
- Essay on Afforestation
- Essay on Should Plastic be Banned
- Essay on Organ trafficking
- Essay on Of Mice And Men
- Essay on Starvation in India
- Essay on Integrity
- Essay on Indira Gandhi
- Essay on National Flag of India
- Essay on Caste System
- Essay on Marriage
- Essay on Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan
- Essay on Urbanization
- Essay on Triple Talaq
- Essay on Role of Judiciary in the Country Today
- Essay on Seasons in India
- Essay on Life in Big City
- Essay on Surgical Strike
- Essay on Good Mother
- Essay on Kalpana Chawla
- Essay on Narendra Modi
- Essay on Global Terrorism
- Essay on sports
- Essay on peacock
- Essay on science and technology
- Essay on our school
- Essay on flood
- Essay on good manners
- Essay on noise pollution
- Essay on books
- Essay on earthquake
- Essay on Deforestation
- Essay on honesty is the best policy
- Essay on Bhagat Singh
- Essay on Television
- Essay on natural disasters
- Essay on winter season
- Essay on best friend
- Essay on nature
- Essay on Rabindranath Tagore
- Essay on summer vacation
- Essay on Dog
- Essay on My Father
- Essay on Trees
- Essay on APJ Abdul Kalam
- Essay on Jawaharlal Nehru
- Essay on Teacher
- Essay on Corruption
- Essay on Rainy Season
- Essay on Water Conservation
- Essay on My Hobby
- Essay on Child Labour
- Essay on Save Water
- Essay on Cow
- How prepared is India to tackle a possible COVID-19 outbreak?
- An essay on my school
- Essay on fast food
- Caste System in India – Origin, Features, and Problems.
- Coronavirus: All you need to know
- “Coronavirus” Crisis Is Just beginning
- Citizenship Amendment Bill(CAB).
- Gender Inequality and Harassment.
- CAA & NRC (Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens) Write Your opinion
- Freedom of expression Vs Nationalism
- Do you think National Register of Citizens (NRC) and recently passed Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) detrimental for the secular nature of India?
- Gadgets Affecting on Intellectual Capabilities of Humans.
- Essay on Triple Talaaq
- Describe Ayushman Bharat project and how it is going to affect health care in India.
- Competition doesn’t lead to success
- Pros and Cons of Demonetization.
- Essay on Robot
- Essay on Clean Bharat Abhiyan
- Essay on Cleanliness in English
- Is the IT industry influencing our culture?
- Impact of Social media on students.
- Should Women work or not?
- Freedom of speech and expression in India.
- Practical learning vs Theoretical learning.
- Is sports necessary for personality development?
- What success means (to Me/You)?
- Essay on Impact of Cinema in Life
- The educational achievement of student depends on parents, friends and society
- Essay on Technology pros & cons
- Violent video games affect children negatively?
- Are citizens of India uses their voting power adequately.
- Essay on Learning vs Understanding
- Child counseling place a vital role in student or children.
- Necessity of daily exercise and should it made compulsory in the Indian education system? Give your views.
- Education needs to be practical than theoretical.
- Spirituality in the corporate world.
- Hardwork or talent – which is more important to succeed in workplace?
- Knowledge gained with experience is more important than knowledge gained from books?
- Is cloning good option to capture quality talent?
- Does “NOTA” option in elections really make sense?
- 100 Days of Modi government 2.0
- Your view on, Depreciation of Indian Rupee.
- Crisis in the Automobile Industry.
- How can India become a superpower?
- Essay on One Nation, One Election
- Should political parties be brought under RTI Act?
- Abrogation of article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir,
- Do you think heavy fines for traffic rules violation is the panacea to road accidents?
- Opinions on motivational quotes.
- Can India become a $5 trillion economy by 2024?
- A person Education achievement depends upon family, friends, and society. give your views for or against this topic.
- People are better source of knowledge than books.
- Essay on Fit India Movement.
- For Economically weaker people 10% Quota in General Category – Good or Bad?
- Your view on – we are depending too much on loans.
- Views on manual or automated work through software.
- corporate hospitals vs medical ethics.
- Spending habits drifting away financial security.
- The Water Shortage in India and its solutions.
- Double farmers’ income by 2022-23 mission.
- The Water Crisis and Solutions.
- Chandrayaan – India’s Mission to the Moon.
- Is there ghost exist ? Give your point of view.
- Essay on Politics
- Essay on Life without Water.
- What components are important for success?
- Nuclear development.
- Which is better “Big city or Small Town”. Give your opinions.
- Laptops instead of books in school, advantage or disadvantage.
- Write about ur close friend. how he motivated in your bad times.
- Essay on Capital punishment
- Science and Mathematics is better than history and literature.
- Success without work-life balance will not stay longer. Justify your stand
- Essay on Work life balance.
- Essay on Technology addiction.
- Is life comfortable in big city or in small town .
- Role of social media on politics.
- How family, friends and society plays major role in education.
- Is confidence underrated?
- Internet is killing reading habits.
- Do you think progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
- Do ethics or moral principles change with time? Cite examples to support your view.
- Essay on My Memorable Day.
- Should there be a strict limit on the number of students per teacher in educational institutes to ensure quality education?
- Self-help or motivational books help improve one’s attitude to life.
- People today are more materialistic and less satisfied as compared to previous generations.
- What is your recent watched TV show and why did you pick this?
- Effects of modern urban lifestyle on health and well-being.
- Movie which is recently watched.
- Which is your favorite film?
- Any stress moment you’ve faced during university/work time and how do you faced it.
- Simple joys of life vs bigger experiences and achievements in life.
- Do you think we have all gone into the world of smartphones ?
- Essay on Cauvery issue.
- Essay on Your favorite hobby.
- If you are selected then how long will you work here?
- My/Your growth after 5 years.
- 3 strategies that you would use in managing your day to day work and explain how each approach would assist you.
- What working in a fast-paced environment means to you.
- What role will technology play in the future?
- Production and selling of cigarette should be banned in INDIA.
- Essay on Favorite person.
- Tell me about your hometown.
- How conceptual understanding from textbooks is not a substitute for real-world experience.
- The most rewarding experience in your life.
- What college life taught you?
- Essay on Reservation in Private sector.
- Essay on Mercy killing.
- Essay on Indian democracy.
- If you were given a chance to dine with a famous personality (dead or alive) who will it be & why? What 3 questions will you ask them?
- Describe your college life and one unforgettable moment in college life.
- ✍🏼 Essay on old vs new ideology
- About “Care and Share” with your experience or Example.
- Agriculture or manufacturing or services are the future development of India.
- Economic growth without affecting the environment is – mirage or reality
- Exercise is good for health.
- How Modern technology has changed our way of living.
- Reality shows in india real or fake.
- Competitive exams in india.
- Myself, How can I be a Change Maker?
- Should GD be necessary for selection process?
- How will you be an asset to Wipro
? - Essay on Diversity in India.
- Should Euthanasia be accepted or be kept banned?
- Indian Diplomacy in the Middle East.
- The Sins of Parents Visit Their Children.
- Security Issues in the Indian Ocean.
- How does computers have affected human life.
- Gandhiji is a born leader or made.
- Which plays major role? Hardwork or Luck
- What shall we do about our ever-increasing population?
- if I/You become a Prime Minister
- Importance of facebook
- which life is better big cities or small villages?
- Education is the most powerful weapon that can change the world.
- Social media has made it easier to misuse oneā€™s right to freedom of expression.
- Social media is making us antisocial.
- What job would you like to do in the future?
- Essay on Food and agriculture in India
- GST impact cheaper or costlier
- Houses in the future
- How I/You help my/your family?
- How i see the world?
- How media is made?
- How to build a new India
- Essay on Why India is not clean.
- Essay on Food
- Essay on Competition
- Essay on Two sides of a coin
- Essay on Digital banking.
- Essay on Digital economy in India
- Essay on Great Leader.
- Hygiene and Sanitation
- Essay on India of my dream
- Essay on Life on the Mars
- My dream career engineer.
My aim in life to become an engineer. - My experience in company.
- Present system of examination
- Essay on Clean India healthy India
- Demonetisation and its effect on Indian economy.
- Life is better today than it was 100 years ago.
- Essay on being a leader
- Essay on Changes in life
- Essay on hard work
- Essay on Black money in India.
- Essay on Computer technology.
- Essay on Criminal should be punished.
- Essay on Earth
- Essay on The world today.
- benefits of higher education.
- benefits of non veg food.
- Are peace and nonviolence outdated concepts.
- Are people born intelligent?
Are people born smart? - Black money and how to curb it.
- Are we too dependent on technology?
- Are you born with intelligence?
- Essay on Banking in India
- before and after technology.
- Are mobile towers in residential areas harmful?
- Essay on Farmers in India
- A day at the beach with my family.
- A memorable day with my parents
- Essay on A visit to a bank.
- Agricultural development in India
- Changes in education system.
- Clean India my responsibility.
- Blood donation experience.
- Essay on boon or bane
- Essay on Cashless Transaction
- Essay on Causes of Illiteracy.
- Essay on Change the world.
- Essay on Skill India
- Smoking is Injurious to Health.
- Bullet Train Or Bullet Train in India
- Life is Like a Box of Chocolates.
Bunch of Chocolates. - Should india encourage exports
- Should India give away Kashmir to Pakistan?
- Should school students be allowed to use Internet?
- Should social media be banned?
- Competition is necessary to achieve success.
- Reservation on Economic basis in India
- River pollution in India.
- Role of Agriculture in Indian Economy.
- Should india break diplomatic ties with pakistan?
- Essay on Problems in society.
- Reservation in India.
Reservation in India good or bad.
Reservation is Right or Wrong. - Reservation in Educational Institutions
- Reservation in Education System
- Reservation should be banned or not.
Reservation should be or not. - Practical education vs Theoretical education
- Problems due to illiteracy
- Pollution control
- Pollution in India | Pollution in our country
- Poor education system in India
- Old man and Young man
- Essay on Olden days in India
- one nation one road tax
- Essay on Pollution and its causes.
- Essay on Pollution and its effects
- An exciting journey.
- How to prevent air pollution?
- Essay on My yesterday routine.
- Essay on New India
- Essay on old habits die hardly
- Air pollution causes and effect.
- Air pollution and Water pollution
- Mobile phone is a curse or boon
- The world after 50 years.
World after ‘X’ years. - World issues.
- Water pollution causes and effects.
- White (hint: Color)
- Black (hint: Color)
- Essay on Chair
- Why is hard work important?
- Essay on Youth and media.
- Words are the most powerful weapon.
- Swachh bharat campaign. success or failure
- Taking risks or careful planning.
- Essay on Internet
- Essay on A successful life.
- Advantages and Disadvantages of reservation system.
- A trip you went recently.
- A holiday which you like the most.
- Advertisement cheat peoples.
- Does Luck play a key role in one’s life?
- Your strengths and Weakness
- North Korea manufacturing nuclear weapons
- Are more dams answer to Indiaā€™s water woes?
- Are people born Smart or they develop to be one through experience?
- Should cold drinks be banned?
- Three most important lessons that Life has taught you.
- Should capital punishment be there or not?
- Essay on Impact of IT on India.
- Advantages & Disadvantage of Privatization.
- Essay on An uneducated person.
- Essay on Help
- Essay on Every coin has two sides
- Essay on Goals of higher education
- Is intelligence inherited or learned.
- Eradication of Poverty.
- Essay on My dream.
- Importance of agriculture in india
- Essay on Indian farmers
- Essay on My last holiday.
- competition is essential for success.
- Essay on crime and punishment.
- Essay on Daily routine.
- Education should be compulsory.
- Education system of India.
- Essay on A trip with my family.
- Essay on Blood donation camp
- Technology 20 years from now.
- A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
- Essay on 10 years from now.
- Violence on TV has a direct impact on our children’s behavior.
- Should legal age of 25 years be reduced or increased for drinking as per Indian Law?
- Globalization and its impact on Indian Culture.
- Advantages and disadvantages of playing video games.
- Crime among children – Effect of spending less time with parents?
- Essay on My last vacation with Parents
- My Dream job.
- Is Climate change real?
- Digitization and its benefits.
- What facts you will consider if you are going for your first job?
- Essay on My Role Model.
- Essay on Old Age Homes.
- Your first campus interview experience.
- Your favorite sports person. / My favorite sports icon.
- Are corrupt but efficient politicians better than honest but inefficient politicians
- Are we too depend on computers?
- Education – Importance in development of a country.
- Winner is always stands alone.
- Essay on Ethics and moral culture.
- Is intelligence inborn or can be nurtured through learning.
- Essay on cricket
- Essay on facebook
- True qualities of a leader.
The qualities of the good leader. - Good intentions have no values unless they are converted into a concrete action?
- Social media has made us less social.
- Success comes to those who take risks.
- Knowledge from experience is more useful than books.
- Violent video games affecting children.
- People are more materialistic than satisfied.
- The role of sports in a career.
- Is GST really a One nation, One tax system?
- GST launch will propel the business & economic growth.
- Higher education will completely move to online education.
- Essay on Alcohol should be banned.
- Should everyone eat Vegetarian food?
- Non-veg should be banned or not.
- Is English speaking mandatory for the job.
- Technology is making human beings lazy.
- Facebook and Whatsapp spoiling relationships.
- best moment of your life has passed or not? If yes what was it. If no when you think it will come.
- Mother or father – who is a better parent.
- What animal would you like to be, if given a chance.
- At Least one form of physical education should be compulsory in schools.
- As an Actor what kind of movies would you like to work in?
- Indian education and foreign education
- Hard work or Smart work – Which is important?
- Essay on News Channel
- Essay on Elections System
- Essay on Government job v/s Private Job
- Competition is necessary in every field. Agree or Disagree?
- How is the sports important to build the character.
- Essay on Online Shopping
- How media should play a important role for the well-functionality society
- jail time should be replaced by social services are not for minor crimes.
- Is Laptop replace textbooks in School.
- Academic marks are important in our life or not?
Are marks of a student really important or not? - Participating in sports will give u a good character?
- English Communication is important for job or not?
- End justifies Means – your view
- Is social media a good platform to discuss political issues.
- Discipline is the key to success
- Education is the most powerful weapon
- Essay on Solar energy
- Essay on Facebook & Whatsapp
- Essay on Smoking
- Online shopping vs Normal shopping
- Demonetisation and its Impact
- Role of Students in Nation Building
- Effects of Mobiles on teens
- Jallikattu – The ban should continue
- Human becoming technology dependent
- Essay on Veg vs Non-Veg
- Essay on Teaching methods in India
- Essay on Legal age for drinking.
- Essay on IPL Good or Bad
- Is T20 Cricket killing Real Cricketing Skills?
- Essay on Impact of media on society
- Heal Earth Heal Yourselves
- Essay on Love or Arranged Marriage
- Essay on Cloning
- Unipolar World
- Internet Should be Banned?
- Rivers into Ocean is Wastage of Fresh Water
- Essay on Honour Killing
- Retirement Sachin Tendulkar Good or Indian Cricket?
- Colour Black/White/Red/Green
- Essay on Corruption in India
- Essay on Nuclear Weapons
- Essay on Indian Space mission
- Essay on Imagine the world after 100 years
- Terrorism Essay for Students and Teacher in English
- The art and Era of Letter Writing.
- Is Facebook Evil or not?
- Practical knowledge is better than bookish knowledge
- Present situation of Agriculture in India compare to ancient days
- Unity in Diversity – Often Discussed, Rarely Practiced
- What are the way the IT people to help an uneducated Public
- Impact of western culture on Indians.
- Essay on An Ideal Teacher
- A Blood Donation Camp – Student’s Role
- Do you prefer to be just a member of a group or the leader of a group
- Whether as a role of leader make you learn easy or be a member in a group make you comfort, why?
- Pollution in the community and what would you do to control it
- Essay on Literacy Drive
- Essay on Dowry – A Social Curse
- Essay on Poverty Eradication
- Reservation in Higher Education
- Essay on An Ideal Student